Affiliation No. 1130681 (U-Dise No. 27361301927)
Affiliation Status : From Class I to Class XII
School Code : 30985

At.Po. Vevji, Via Umbergaon (W.Rly.), Tal: Talasari, Dist: Palghar, Maharashtra 401 606

About us

Mehernosh Boman Burjor Irani Educational Academy is an English medium Institution Affiliated to The Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi.

It is established and administrated by Mehernosh Boman Burjor Irani Educational Trust. The school is located on the outskirts of Maharashtra Gujarat border at Vevji, a small pre-dominantly dormant & under privileged area of Tal:Talasari, Dist: Palghar of State of Maharashtra. (It is on the border of gujarat State-specifically to the East of Umbergaon Town, within easy reach as Umbergaon Railway Station (Western Railway) & having GIDC too.)

It is the keen entrepreneurial spirit of our Chairman Mr. Boman Burjor Irani that started the Mehernosh Boman Burjor Irani Educational Academy, CBSE Curriculum, catering to the demands made by the parents of the vicinity & residing in Gujarat State border adjacent to Maharashtra State.

Great emphasis is laid to develop the attributes and talents of each pupil. Mehernosh Boman Burjor Irani Educational Academy's elementary goals are:

  1. To provide the opportunity to acquire the basic skills of reading, listening, speaking and calculating.
  2. To encourage being responsible for one's own action, develop respect for the rights and prosperity of others.
  3. To provide opportunities for individual's growth intellectually, Aesthetically, physically and emotionally year after year.

English is the medium of instruction, Marathi is offered as 2nd language and Hindi the National language is offered as 3rd language in the school. It is hoped that our students will continue to aim high, work hard and try to soar higher and higher keeping in mind the words of swami vivekananda " Arise,Awake! And Stop Not till the goal is reached". Let us pass the legacy of love, peace and brotherhood to our children, the next generation. May God continue to look graciously on our institution and multiply His Blessings.


Providing Holistic Education to build character and develop talents in a nurturing environment and to work together to build a safe respectful environment focused on maximising each child's sense of wellbeing and acquisition of skills for life and learning.


To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassinate members of society.

  1. Accountability
  2. Appreciation
  3. Respect
  4. Integrity
  5. Compassion
  6. Humility
  7. Endurance
  8. Responsibility
  9. Cooperation
  10. Courage
  11. Critical thinking
  12. Do unto others
  13. Embracing change
  14. Goal oriented
  15. Honesty
  16. Integrity
  17. Leadership
  18. Participation

School tour